Publications on Sustainable Development

ACSDRI’s Free Online Publications on Sustainable Development

ACSDRI publishes Sustainability Magazine - The Blue Planet, Sustainability Resources, Books on Sustainable Development, Book Reviews, Journal Articles on ESG Frameworks, and other Educational Resources and Publications on Sustainable Development covering holistic Sustainability (environmental, economic, and social) themes. Our Publications includes Books on Sustainability focusing on Public Policy, Article on ESG Frameworks (a comparative analysis of different voluntary ESG or Nonfinancial reporting frameworks and standards, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), Sustainability Accounting Standard Board (SASB), and Climate Disclosure Project (CDP)), Carbon Accounting, Sustainable Finance, Sustainable Procurement, Plastic Crisis, Social Enterprise, Biodiversity, Climate Change, Circular Economy, Blue Economy, and many more. The Blue Planet is a multi-discipline sustainability magazine. It accepts topic related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), green innovation relating to SDG, ESG Frameworks, the circular economy, public policy, green project, management, environmental science, and any other related topics.

Open Access Statement of The Blue Planet Magazine on Sustainability: This is an open access academic magazine which means that all contents are freely available without charge to the user or his/her institution. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of the articles, or use them for any other lawful purpose, without asking prior permission from the publisher or the author

The Blue Planet A Sustainability Magazine

The Magazine accepts articles on Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), Climate change, Green Innovation, ESG, Sustainable Finance, Circular Economy, Public Policy, Green Projects, Environmental Science, Biodiversity, and other related topics.

Contact us: +61 401 646 872

The Blue Planet – our Sustainability Magazine, also invites NATURE PHOTOGRAPHERS to contribute to the Magazine. We accept Nature Landscape Photography, Photos of Insects, Mammals, Reptiles, Marine Creatures, Macro photos of Plants, Flowers, & Insects.
Authors: Dr Kuntal Goswami, Winton Evers
Carbon Accounting – A step to combat Climate Change…The Paris Agreement is the first legally binding international treaty to limit the emission of greenhouse gases and to combat climate change…Sustainable finance embeds sustainability values and factors (environmental, social, and governance) in financial decision-making.
Aspire to attaining Sustainability
Authors: Dr Kuntal Goswami, Dr Mdh Kazi Islam, Winton Evers
The five most prominent contemporary sustainability reporting or ESG frameworks and standards have been promulgated by the Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI), International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) or Integrated Reporting (IR), Sustainability Accounting Standard Board (SASB), Climate Disclosure Project (CDP) and Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB)
climate change cover page -acsdri (1)
Author: Dr Kuntal Goswami
…Climate Change & Biodiversity Loss are the two most intertwined risks of our time. Both are driven by human activities and interlinked through the Carbon Cycle. We are living in the era of human-induced Carbon Imbalance…
The Blue Planet – Sustainability Magazine (2022 Editorial)
Authors: Dr Alison-Jane Hunter, Dr Kuntal Goswami
The Blue Planet is a multi-disciplinary sustainability magazine published by ACSDRI – Knowledge Press. This magazine aims to disseminate knowledge and propagate dialogue on the sustainability agenda to a mass audience. The magazine accepts topics related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), green innovation relating to SDGs, the circular economy, public policy, green projects, management, environmental science, and other related topics. In this edition, the magazine has eleven chapters covering various topics that contribute to the sustainable development agenda.
Author: Lotti Fraser & Duncan Power, Dana Asia
The planet faces a plastic pollution crisis. It is estimated that only 9% of plastic produced has been recycled, with a massive 79% of the world’s plastic ending up in landfills or the natural environment.
Author : Dr Kuntal Goswami
…only 33% of all countries could improve their respective SDG ranking in 2020; 6% could maintain their status quo, while 61% of all countries declined in their overall SDG ranking…

Author: Dr Kuntal Goswami

Sustainable Development depends on the quality of natural resources and biodiversity to meet social and economic developmental needs.

Reporting from Sustainable Prosperity Conference
Author: Dr Kuntal Goswami
The three-day Sustainable Prosperity Conference in Adelaide at the University of Adelaide Campus was a congregation of some of the world’s most progressive economists and thinkers from various fields. The conference strongly advocated for progressive economic reforms, improving the fairness of the economic system, and to undertake resolute action on climate change.


The Blue Planet is a multi-disciplinary sustainability magazine published by ACSDRI – Knowledge Press, a publishing unit of the Australian Centre for Sustainable Development Research & Innovation (ACSDRI) – A Research Foundation.
The cover story introduces a conceptual understanding of carbon accounting and sustainable finance.
The Blue Planet Academic Magazine Series 2021
The Blue Planet is a multi-disciplinary sustainability magazine published by ACSDRI – Knowledge Press, a publishing unit of the Australian Centre for Sustainable Development Research & Innovation (ACSDRI) – A Research Foundation.
The cover story describes progress of the UN Sustainable Development Goals from 2016-2020.
The Blue Planet
The Blue Planet is a multi-disciplinary sustainability magazine published by ACSDRI – Knowledge Press, a publishing unit of the Australian Centre for Sustainable Development Research & Innovation (ACSDRI) – A Research Foundation.
The magazine has both print (ISSN: 2652-7995) and online (ISSN: 2652-7987) versions. The magazine welcomes scholarly contributions in the form of articles and reports from both academics and professionals.
The Blue Planet is a multi-disciplinary sustainability magazine published by ACSDRI – Knowledge Press, a publishing unit of the Australian Centre for Sustainable Development Research & Innovation (ACSDRI) – A Research Foundation.
The magazine has both print (ISSN: 2652-7995) and online (ISSN: 2652-7987) versions. The magazine welcomes scholarly contributions in the form of articles and reports from both academics and professionals.

Authors: Dr Kuntal Goswami and Prof. Rolf Gerritsen
In The Hidden Successes of Three Sustainability Policies Goswami and Gerritsen start with the international and national context…The material the authors gather to reach their conclusions is impressive – and presented with both clarity and precision… The Hidden Successes of three Sustainability Policies concludes that subnational governments will persist in the pursuit of sustainability where federal governments fail…
Sustainable and Shared Value Creation Innovative Strategies for Organisational Success
By Dr. Asoke Rocky Mehera, Professor Sardar Islam, Dr. Selvi Kannan
This book celebrates Anuj Mukherjee’s love for wildlife and nature and is a collection of his finest artworks from the field.

Multi-Capital Scorecard
Author: Dr Kuntal Goswami
Sustainability is the goal and sustainable development is the process, however, the million-dollar question is how we might measure the level of holistic sustainability performance (economic, environmental, and social) of our business.
Author : Dr Kuntal Goswami
The book critically answers the ‘why’ question and explains the reasons for which the sustainability agenda has not been able to spread out its wings fully even though the agenda has noble intentions and is embedded in good values and principles.

Authors: Dr Kuntal Goswami, Dr Mohammed Kazi Saidul Islam, Winton Evers
The article presents a comparative analysis of… different voluntary ESG or Nonfinancial reporting frameworks and standards, as introduced by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), Sustainability Accounting Standard Board (SASB), and Climate Disclosure Project (CDP)
Authors: Dr. Kuntal Goswami, Prof. Rolf Gerritsen
This article analyses the life cycle of three Australian sustainability public policies (Tasmania Together [TT], South Australia’s Strategic Plan [SASP,] and Western Australia’s State Sustainability Strategy [WA’s SSS]).
Analysis of Australian Sustainability Policies.
Authors: Dr Kuntal Goswami, Prof. Rolf Gerritsen

This article investigates how stakeholders perceive Tasmania Together, South Australia’s Strategic Plan, and Western Australia’s State Sustainability Strategy as overarching holistic sustainability public policies. In real politics, perception matters more than reality.

Authors: Dr. Kuntal Goswami, Prof. Rolf Gerritsen
This research article aims to examine the extent of holistic sustainability (economic, environmental, and social) disclosure practices of public agencies in Tasmania, South Australia, and Western Australia under the influence of over-arching state-based sustainability public policies.
Authors: Kuntal Goswami
This article aims to understand what drives the selected group of South Australian local councils to undertake sustainability reporting in the absence of a mandatory reporting framework. The case study uses new institutional theory as the theoretical framework.
Sustainability Reporting patterns
Authors Kuntal Goswami, UniSA & Sumit Lodhia, UniSA
This article investigates the types of sustainability information disclosed by four South Australian local councils in the absence of any mandatory sustainability reporting guidelines. The findings suggest that even though standardized sustainability reporting guidelines are not in use, elements of these guidelines are reported as sustainability issues in annual reports.

The Blue Planet is a multi-disciplinary sustainability magazine published by ACSDRI – Knowledge Press, a publishing unit of the Australian Centre for Sustainable Development Research & Innovation (ACSDRI) – A Research Foundation.
The cover story introduces a conceptual understanding of carbon accounting and sustainable finance.
The Blue Planet Academic Magazine Series 2021
The Blue Planet is a multi-disciplinary sustainability magazine published by ACSDRI – Knowledge Press, a publishing unit of the Australian Centre for Sustainable Development Research & Innovation (ACSDRI) – A Research Foundation.
The cover story describes progress of the UN Sustainable Development Goals from 2016-2020.
The Blue Planet
The Blue Planet is a multi-disciplinary sustainability magazine published by ACSDRI – Knowledge Press, a publishing unit of the Australian Centre for Sustainable Development Research & Innovation (ACSDRI) – A Research Foundation.
The magazine has both print (ISSN: 2652-7995) and online (ISSN: 2652-7987) versions. The magazine welcomes scholarly contributions in the form of articles and reports from both academics and professionals.
The Blue Planet is a multi-disciplinary sustainability magazine published by ACSDRI – Knowledge Press, a publishing unit of the Australian Centre for Sustainable Development Research & Innovation (ACSDRI) – A Research Foundation.
The magazine has both print (ISSN: 2652-7995) and online (ISSN: 2652-7987) versions. The magazine welcomes scholarly contributions in the form of articles and reports from both academics and professionals.
Authors: Dr Kuntal Goswami, Winton Evers
Carbon Accounting – A step to combat Climate Change…The Paris Agreement is the first legally binding international treaty to limit the emission of greenhouse gases and to combat climate change…Sustainable finance embeds sustainability values and factors (environmental, social, and governance) in financial decision-making.
Aspire to attaining Sustainability
Authors: Dr Kuntal Goswami, Dr Mdh Kazi Islam, Winton Evers
The five most prominent contemporary sustainability reporting or ESG frameworks and standards have been promulgated by the Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI), International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) or Integrated Reporting (IR), Sustainability Accounting Standard Board (SASB), Climate Disclosure Project (CDP) and Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB)
climate change cover page -acsdri (1)
Author: Dr Kuntal Goswami
…Climate Change & Biodiversity Loss are the two most intertwined risks of our time. Both are driven by human activities and interlinked through the Carbon Cycle. We are living in the era of human-induced Carbon Imbalance…
The Blue Planet – Sustainability Magazine (2022 Editorial)
Authors: Dr Alison-Jane Hunter, Dr Kuntal Goswami
The Blue Planet is a multi-disciplinary sustainability magazine published by ACSDRI – Knowledge Press. This magazine aims to disseminate knowledge and propagate dialogue on the sustainability agenda to a mass audience. The magazine accepts topics related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), green innovation relating to SDGs, the circular economy, public policy, green projects, management, environmental science, and other related topics. In this edition, the magazine has eleven chapters covering various topics that contribute to the sustainable development agenda.
Author: Lotti Fraser & Duncan Power, Dana Asia
The planet faces a plastic pollution crisis. It is estimated that only 9% of plastic produced has been recycled, with a massive 79% of the world’s plastic ending up in landfills or the natural environment.
Author : Dr Kuntal Goswami
…only 33% of all countries could improve their respective SDG ranking in 2020; 6% could maintain their status quo, while 61% of all countries declined in their overall SDG ranking…

Author: Dr Kuntal Goswami

Sustainable Development depends on the quality of natural resources and biodiversity to meet social and economic developmental needs.

Reporting from Sustainable Prosperity Conference
Author: Dr Kuntal Goswami
The three-day Sustainable Prosperity Conference in Adelaide at the University of Adelaide Campus was a congregation of some of the world’s most progressive economists and thinkers from various fields. The conference strongly advocated for progressive economic reforms, improving the fairness of the economic system, and to undertake resolute action on climate change.
Authors: Dr Kuntal Goswami and Prof. Rolf Gerritsen
In The Hidden Successes of Three Sustainability Policies Goswami and Gerritsen start with the international and national context…The material the authors gather to reach their conclusions is impressive – and presented with both clarity and precision… The Hidden Successes of three Sustainability Policies concludes that subnational governments will persist in the pursuit of sustainability where federal governments fail…
Sustainable and Shared Value Creation Innovative Strategies for Organisational Success
By Dr. Asoke Rocky Mehera, Professor Sardar Islam, Dr. Selvi Kannan
This book celebrates Anuj Mukherjee’s love for wildlife and nature and is a collection of his finest artworks from the field.
Multi-Capital Scorecard
Author: Dr Kuntal Goswami
Sustainability is the goal and sustainable development is the process, however, the million-dollar question is how we might measure the level of holistic sustainability performance (economic, environmental, and social) of our business.
Author : Dr Kuntal Goswami
The book critically answers the ‘why’ question and explains the reasons for which the sustainability agenda has not been able to spread out its wings fully even though the agenda has noble intentions and is embedded in good values and principles.
Authors: Dr Kuntal Goswami, Dr Mohammed Kazi Saidul Islam, Winton Evers
The article presents a comparative analysis of… different voluntary ESG or Nonfinancial reporting frameworks and standards, as introduced by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), Sustainability Accounting Standard Board (SASB), and Climate Disclosure Project (CDP)
Authors: Dr. Kuntal Goswami, Prof. Rolf Gerritsen
This article analyses the life cycle of three Australian sustainability public policies (Tasmania Together [TT], South Australia’s Strategic Plan [SASP,] and Western Australia’s State Sustainability Strategy [WA’s SSS]).
Analysis of Australian Sustainability Policies.
Authors: Dr Kuntal Goswami, Prof. Rolf Gerritsen

This article investigates how stakeholders perceive Tasmania Together, South Australia’s Strategic Plan, and Western Australia’s State Sustainability Strategy as overarching holistic sustainability public policies. In real politics, perception matters more than reality.

Authors: Dr. Kuntal Goswami, Prof. Rolf Gerritsen
This research article aims to examine the extent of holistic sustainability (economic, environmental, and social) disclosure practices of public agencies in Tasmania, South Australia, and Western Australia under the influence of over-arching state-based sustainability public policies.
Authors: Kuntal Goswami
This article aims to understand what drives the selected group of South Australian local councils to undertake sustainability reporting in the absence of a mandatory reporting framework. The case study uses new institutional theory as the theoretical framework.
Sustainability Reporting patterns
Authors Kuntal Goswami, UniSA & Sumit Lodhia, UniSA
This article investigates the types of sustainability information disclosed by four South Australian local councils in the absence of any mandatory sustainability reporting guidelines. The findings suggest that even though standardized sustainability reporting guidelines are not in use, elements of these guidelines are reported as sustainability issues in annual reports.