Centre for Sustainable Development
Research & Innovation (ACSDRI)
- A Research Institute for Sustainable Development

ACSDRI conducts collaborative research focusing on the United Nations’ 17 Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Our Mission

To advocate for how to live within the ecological limits of this BLUE PLANET
– Our ONLY Home.

Our Campaign

In the global forums the Climate Change agenda has eclipsed the biodiversity loss issue. Both policy agendas are interlinked and need urgent actions.

Let’s appreciate biodiversity through

Biodiversity Knowledge Forum

Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas, and marine resources for sustainable development.

Protect, restore, and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss.

Media Releases


Climate Change & Biodiversity: Facts & Figures

…Climate Change & Biodiversity Loss are the two most intertwined risks of our time. Both are driven by human activities and interlinked through the Carbon Cycle. We are living in the era of human-induced Carbon Imbalance…

A Case Study on the Blended Reporting Phenomenon: A Comparative Analysis of Voluntary Reporting Frameworks and Standards - GRI, IR, SASB, and CD

The article presents a comparative analysis of… different voluntary ESG or Nonfinancial reporting frameworks and standards, as introduced by the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), Sustainability Accounting Standard Board (SASB), and Climate Disclosure Project (CDP)

Strategy to adopt Task Force on Nature Related Financial Disclosure (TNFD)

Dr Hashmi Jamil Husain, Head of Biodiversity Corporate Sustainability TATA STEEL, presented at the ACSDRI’s International Conference on Sustainability on A Model Corporate Vision & Strategy to Protect Biodiversity in the context of Task Force on Nature Related Financial Disclosure (TNFD)

The Global Sustainable Development Goals: Are we progressing?

…only 33% of all countries could improve their respective SDG ranking in 2020; 6% could maintain their status quo, while 61% of all countries declined in their overall SDG ranking…

The Hidden Successes of Three Sustainability Policies

…the very idea of sustainability can, if only gradually, impact on the decision-making culture of an organization if given sufficient support from “above”..

#biodiversitymatters Facts & Figures

Sustainable Development depends on the quality of natural resources and biodiversity to meet social and economic developmental needs.

The Multi-dimensional initiatives of Dana Asia: To fight Poverty & the Plastic Crisis in the Philippines.

The planet faces a plastic pollution crisis. It is estimated that only 9% of plastic produced has been recycled, with a massive 79% of the world's plastic ending up in landfills or the natural environment

Carbon Accounting and Sustainable Finance: The new way forward

Carbon Accounting – A step to combat Climate Change...The Paris Agreement is the first legally binding international treaty to limit the emission of greenhouse gases and to combat climate change...Sustainable finance embeds sustainability values and factors (environmental, social, and governance) in financial decision-making.

Aspire to attaining Sustainability? Let’s understand contemporary Sustainability or ESG Frameworks

The five most prominent contemporary sustainability reporting or ESG frameworks and standards have been promulgated by:
The Global Reporting Initiatives (GRI);
International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC); Sustainability Accounting Standard Board (SASB); Climate Disclosure Project (CDP); and Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB)


A Sustainability Magazine, to disseminate knowledge and to propagate dialogue on the sustainability agenda to a mass audience.

Sustainability Training

Training & Professional Development on CIircular Economy & Carbon Management

We provide Sustainability training and consultancy services to make your organisation and team ready and proactive for all future regularity changes.

acsdri podcast landing page (1)

ACSDRI Podcast Series
SDGs & The Circular Economy
In Action

A Multi-disciplinary PODCAST to advance Ecologically Sustainable Development

The Blue Planet A Sustainability Magazine


Recorded Proceedings of the 2023 International Conference on Sustainability

Theme: Sustainable Development, Education & Business

In the conference we have learned and discussed on  following topics: #educationforsustainabledevelopmentgoals #theblueplanetmagazine #sustainability #innovation #circulareconomy #investmentincirculareconomy #blueeconomy #climatechange #biodiversitygovernance #ESG  #futurecareer #professionaldevelopment #sustainabilityprofession #greendesign #vocationaleducation #marineprotection #biofuel #greensupplychain #regenerativeagriculture     #watersecurity #naturephotography #biodiversitymatters #acsdri

The Hidden Successes of Three Sustainability Policies

Authors: Dr Kuntal Goswami and Prof. Rolf Gerritsen

In The Hidden Successes of Three Sustainability Policies Goswami and Gerritsen start with the international and national context…The material the authors gather for each their conclusions is impressive–and presented with both clarity and precision…The Hidden Successes of three Sustainability Policies concludes that subnational governments will persist in the pursuit of sustainability where federal governments fail…

Publications on Sustainable Development

About The Blue Planet Magazine (2022 Edition)

The Blue Planet is a multi-disciplinary sustainability magazine published by ACSDRI – Knowledge Press, a publishing unit of the Australian Centre for Sustainable Development Research & Innovation (ACSDRI) – A Research Foundation.

The magazine has both print (ISSN: 2652-7995) and online (ISSN: 2652-7987) versions. The magazine welcomes scholarly contributions in the form of articles and reports from both academics and professionals.
This magazine aims to disseminate knowledge and propagate
dialogue on the sustainability agenda to a mass audience. The magazine accepts topics related to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), green innovation relating to SDGs, the circular economy, public policy, green projects, management, environmental science, and other related topics.
In this edition, the magazine has eleven chapters covering various topics that contribute to the sustainable development agenda.

Edu-Care Global is our international Educational and Training Partner. Edu-Care Global’s objective is to connect your Capabilities with Educational Opportunities in Australia and New Zealand. We are committed to provide  “Quality Education” (SDG-4) for “Decent Work and Livelihood” (SDG-8)
